Working together to make positive business choices for the planet

Measurement Period

Jan 23 - Dec 23

Measurement Emissions tCO2e


Carbon Intensity £

Carbon emissions per £1 of turnover


Carbon Intensity FTE

(equivalent full time employees)


Scope 1 Emissions


No Data Found

Scope 2 Emissions

Displaying market-based electricity emissions

No Data Found

Driving a diesel car 5,889Km emits 1 tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent*.
Driving a petrol car 6,101Km emits 1 tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent*.
The volume of 1 tonne of carbon dioxide would fill 4.5 London double decker buses.
1 tonne of carbon dioxide has a volume of 556.2m³ - this would fill 4.5 London double decker buses!
10 tonnes of carbon dioxide would fill the volume of 2.2 olympic swimming pools!

Scope 3 Upstream

No Data Found

Scope 3 Downstream

No Data Found

Carbon Reduction
Since our inception in 2012 we have embraced Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (“ESG”), over the last ten years it has evolved to become a fundamental component of our approach as both investors and employers. We do it because it’s the right thing to do, and because we know it makes businesses more valuable for all stakeholders.
View Our Carbon Reduction Plan

Scope 1 Change

No Data Found

Scope 2 Change

No Data Found

Scope 3 Change

No Data Found

Emissions Change From Baseline

No Data Found

If you are part of our value-chain, you can help us further improve our measurement by sharing your own emissions with us here
Click to share your emissions with us!

If you need help to create your own green team, measure your emissions, create a credible reduction strategy, set your Net Zero target, educate your team, Share your sustainability journey with your shareholders, employees or customers then please get in touch below.​

Speak to a specialist

0161 7688 555


Bonded Warehouse
18 Lower Byrom Street
M3 4AP